Ten percent luck, twenty percent skill, fifteen percent concentrated power of will
So last night we had a great time at the Japanese-American Bar Association table at the Asian-American Journalists Association 25th Anniversary Trivia Bowl. When it comes to the AAJA Trivia Bowl, the Japanese-American Bar Association is not cliqueish. It is not overly hung up on your Japanese-American ancestry, or whether you have passed the bar. It is more interested in whether you can help win the AAJA Trivia Bowl. I suppose this win-at-all-costs attitude is a very desirable trait in a trial lawyer.Anyway, we were deputized into the JABA and proceeded to represent our client to the best of our ability. It was very nice to see Jason and Don and Dave again, and even nicer to work as a team with Dee and Eric and James, beating the living daylights out of every media organization in Los Angeles. At the end of the evening we collected the trophy with a score of 77 points out of 100. I think second place went to the NBC Channel 4 news team with 69 points.

At one point in the dinner, I'm looking at the back of this girl's head at the next table.
And I'm thinking, I realize there are upwards of three hundred Asian women in this room, but is that the back of the head of Keiko Agena, a.k.a. Lane Kim of Gilmore Girls?
And indeed it was! This was my greatest feat of celebrity spotting since I recognized the back of Tim Meadows' head in Babalu.
Keiko was sitting at the City News Service table. Unfortunately her table's demonstrated knowledge of current events, history, geography, arts, entertainment, science, literature, sports, and California was a trifle lackluster. They ended the night with only 12 points. However, I think they stopped trying halfway through.
At the same time real-me was correctly remembering King Gyanendra of Nepal but not remembering how to spell myxomatosis, television-me was getting booted off the show 1 vs. 100 for not knowing the color of number 1 on a roulette wheel. Being in the 100 on that show is a sucker's game, but I did make about $740. And you know: at least it's show biz.

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