Friday, October 31, 2008

Sun in the sky, you know how I feel

It has been a busy week, with the advent of Phoebe Jane Mason.

Celebrity sighting in the hospital elevator: Robert Sean Leonard. He said something about getting his wife a hamburger. I infer that he also may have become a dad this week.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Check ignition and may God's love be with you

It's time for an update on foreclosures in California.

Here's the original "foreclosures are up sharply" LA Times graph again.

Here's the update.

A new California law took effect in September that requires lenders to make due efforts to contact borrowers 30 days before initiating foreclosure proceedings. That law produced a temporary slowdown in the number of foreclosures initiated this quarter. However, these graphs show foreclosures which have reached the final stage and thus do not reflect any effect of the notification law yet.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Where everybody knows your name

We returned to the AAJA Trivia Bowl, but we lost. Crap.

Bidding at the accompanying charity auction seemed subdued. Typical auction item in previous year: two round-trip tickets on Cathay Pacific. Typical auction item this year: two round-trip tickets on Southwest Airlines. A lunch date with Sharon Tay was auctioned off as in previous years, but Sharon Tay was not there to sell it in person, leaving the auctioneers to implore, "Come on, Sharon Tay! Have you seen a picture?!"

Jonathan was in town on Sunday. We went to Jerome's parents' place for a sukkah party.

Celebrity sighting in the sukkah: Paul Willson. (Okay, I did not know Paul Willson's name without being told, but I knew he was on Cheers and et cetera.)

Dropped off Jonathan at Long Beach Airport, came home and slept for twelve hours straight. Was still tired when I got up.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Must I paint you a picture

Another month of what I've been reading.