Thursday, July 24, 2008

I love this hive employee

I think some of my first attempts at entomophotography came out pretty well. Presenting Bees of Poland:

I also tried some of the mead produced by those Polish bees. It was okay.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm riding high upon a deep depression

The idea for this graph comes from Bubble Markets Inventory Tracking, but I drew my own copy of it.

"Home foreclosures are up sharply in California" -- LA Times, April 17, 2007

That's not up sharply.

This is up sharply.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Read the letters that the children write to the standard white Santa Claus

Maybe it's my imagination and I'm perceiving a regional correlation where none exists, but it seems to me that Jesus in Poland is unusually despondent.

These are all from Zakopane and Krakow. I saw a really good one in Gdansk, but I think I accidentally deleted that picture.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash

Dear NPR,

Perhaps "correction" is too strong a word, but I wanted to point out that the Zimbabwean exchange rates cited this morning on Weekend Edition are not consistent. The story begins by saying that a Zimbabwean 50-billion dollar note is worth 33 cents. In that case 1.2 quadrillion Zimbawean dollars are worth about 8000 U.S. dollars, not 4000 as is said at the end of the story.

Horrific as Zimbabwean inflation is, the money should not lose half of its value over the course of a 1:28 news story...

Update: NPR issued a correction on their website. Do I get a tote bag or something? Apparently not.

Update: Okay, Scott Simon acknowledged my letter on the air.

Sixth Street, we love it

At Regina's invitation, we went to the SF/LA production of The Taming of the Shrew at the Cathedral of the Lady of the Angels. I thought the acting was of a pretty high standard. This was also the first time I've been to the Cathedral and it seemed nice enough, but I won't be buying any bottles of the Cathedral wine that was served at the reception. Afterwards: Full House Seafood in Chinatown with Brad, sinophonic Jerome, and Mark Dawson, who is moving back to Atlanta.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ten til twelve is wine and dancing

Sunday, July 13, 2008

When the housemaids scrub the floors, they get the spaces in between

I had a short conversation with Paul Mazursky who sat next to me in the Munich airport today:

PM: Is someone [sitting] there?
RM: No.

To be honest I would not necessarily have identified (director, actor, and Oscar-nominated screenwriter and producer) Paul Mazursky as himself, but I later overheard him talking to an Iranian woman about Moon Over Parador.

The night before leaving for Europe, I saw Kevin Nealon in the lobby of the Groundlings Theater. At the same time we spoke briefly with Phil LaMarr who had been performing at the theater that night.

These would be celebrity sightings respectively of the third kind (serendipitous interaction), of the second kind (serendipitous sighting), and of the first kind (predictable encounter where the celebrity is appearing professionally).

Celebrity Sighting Type

Defining Characteristic

First Kind

Predictable encounter in a venue where the celebrity is appearing professionally

Second Kind

Serendipitous sighting

Third Kind

Serendipitous interaction

Fourth Kind

Trapped in an ATM vestibule